
32-bit RISC-V Forth for microcontrollers

Devlog 11 Completing Colon

December 1, 2022

  1. Log 11
  2. Completing COLON
  3. Closing thoughts

Log 11

I think this session will be short since I only plan to “complete” the COLON primitive.

Completing COLON

OK so I wrote quite a few lines of code to finish this definition, without logging what I was doing. So I’ll start by showing what a word definition should look like in memory:

|   LINK   |   HASH   | CODEWORD |
 32-bit     32-bit     32-bit

It’s similar to how jonesforth does it, except we don’t need to store the length of the word.

I realized later that we need to set the HIDDEN flag inside the hash (in the second bit starting from the MSB), to ensure the it can’t be found during a lookup in compilation mode:

    # set the hidden flag in the hash
    li t0, F_HIDDEN      # load hidden flag into temporary
    or a0, a0, t0        # hide the word

Next, I want to load some variables into temporary registers, because I’ll use them later:

    # copy the memory address of some variables to temporary registers
    li t0, HERE
    li t1, LATEST
    la t2, enter        # load the codeword address into temporary # FIXME: enter or docol?

Notice I put a # FIXME for loading the address of the enter label. I did that because derzforth uses it as the codeword, but I have a feeling I may be mistaken in copying that implementation. sectorforth and jonesforth point to docol, so I need to read more about this later.

Next I want to load the actual values pointed by the HERE and LATEST variables:

    # load and update memory addresses from variables
    lw t3, 0(t0)        # load the new start address of the current word into temporary (HERE)
    lw t4, 0(t1)        # load the address of the previous word into temporary (LATEST)

They’re stored in different temporary registers because we’ll need to write to t0 and t1 later. This should save a couple instructions.

From here it becomes quite simple, we’re first going to update the LATEST variable to point to the value pointed by HERE. Essentially we want LATEST to point to this new word’s start address.

    # update LATEST variable
    sw t3, 0(t1)        # store the current value of HERE into the LATEST variable

Then we’re going to build the header (LINK, HASH, CODEWORD) by storing it in memory at the HERE address:

    # build the header in memory
    sw t4, 0(t3)        # store the address of the previous word
    sw a0, 4(t3)        # store the hash
    sw t2, 8(t3)        # store the codeword address

The LINK mentioned above is the address of the previous word, aka LATEST.

The next step is to update the HERE variable, similarly to what we did with LATEST above, except we’re now going to point HERE to the end of the word:

    # update HERE variable
    addi t3, t3, 12     # move the HERE pointer to the end of the word
    sw t3, 0(t0)        # store the new address of HERE into the HERE variable

I’m using a 12-byte offset because we stored 3 * 32 (96 bits / 12 bytes) of data in memory.

The final step in our COLON definition is to update the STATE variable. We want to set it to 1 so the interpreter knows we’re now in compilation mode:

    # update STATE variable
    li t0, STATE        # load the address of the STATE variable into temporary
    li t1, 1            # set the STATE variable to compile mode (1 = compile)
    sw t1, 0(t0)        # store the current state back into the STATE variable

I think (hope?) that completes the COLON definition.

Closing thoughts

The good news is the code still compiles, and I can run it just fine in the Ripes simulator. Inspecting the memory addresses and registers confirms that the code works as expected, and the correct values are stored in the correct locations, but I still need to figure out the whole codeword thing (enter/docol?).

In the next session, I’m hoping to fully understand the roles of docol and enter, and maybe move onto the next missing primitive: SEMI (;).