
32-bit RISC-V Forth for microcontrollers

Devlog 19 Get Put Key Emit

December 14, 2022

  1. Log 19
  2. Minor UART fix
  3. Major macro fix
  4. Get Put Key Emit
  5. Closing thoughts

Log 19

In this session I plan on completing the implementation of get/put functions for UART, as well as fixing the remaining 2 primitives KEY and EMIT.

Minor UART fix

I noticed a small issue in the uart_get_loop, let’s see if you can spot it:

lb a0, 0x04(t0)             # read character from data register (USART_DATA)

On a 32-bit RISC-V, the lb instruction “Loads a Byte” (8 bits) into a 32-bit register. This works fine, however lb is actually a sign-extended operation. If we try to load the character 0xA9 (i.e: ©), the 8-bit value will be extended to 32-bits like this: 0xffffffa9. This is not ideal. What we really want is to zero-extend the 8-bit value, so it looks like this: 0x000000a9. Luckily it’s a simple fix using lbu (Load Byte Unsigned) instead of lb:

lbu a0, 0x04(t0)            # read character (zero-extended) from data register (USART_DATA)

Major macro fix

While reviewing the code, I realized I made a really big (and stupid) mistake in the POP and PUSH macros. I’m not sure what I was doing there, but they don’t even make sense. I fixed them and I’ll explain below:

# pop top of data stack to register and move DSP to TOS
.macro POP reg
    mv \reg, s3         # copy TOS to register
    lw s3, 0(sp)        # load DSP value to register
    addi sp, sp, CELL   # move the DSP up by 1 cell

# push register to top of stack and move TOS to DSP
.macro PUSH reg
    addi sp, sp, -CELL  # move the DSP down by 1 cell
    sw s3, 0(sp)        # store the value in the TOS to the top of the DSP
    mv s3, \reg         # copy register into TOS

The theory behind these macros is we want to provide a register as a parameter. That register will either hold a value to be stored in the TOS (PUSH), or it will hold a value received from the TOS (POP). In both cases, we need to move the stack pointer by 1 cell because we’ll either be moving the current TOS to the top of the DSP (PUSH), or we’ll be moving the value at the top of the DSP into the TOS (POP).

I have no idea how I ended up with the previous macros though. I guess the wrong assumption was that s3 is always a memory address (nope).

Anyways I think the current version is correct now, so let’s continue with the rest of the code.

Get Put Key Emit

Before implementing get/put, I want to make them generic because they’ll pretty much work the same way on every supported board/microcontroller (I think?). First I’ll define some constants for the base address and the status/data registers:

.equ USART0_BASE_ADDRESS, 0x40013800
.equ UART_RX_STATUS, 0x00       # USART status register offset (USART_STAT)
.equ UART_RX_DATA, 0x04         # data register offset (USART_DATA)
.equ UART_TX_STATUS, 0x00       # USART status register offset (USART_STAT)
.equ UART_TX_DATA, 0x04         # data register offset (USART_DATA)
.equ UART_RX_BIT, (1 << 5)      # read data buffer not empty bit (RBNE)
.equ UART_TX_BIT, (1 << 7)      # transmit data buffer empty bit (TBE)d

These apply to the GD32VF103 microcontroller. Now we can write our generic get/put functions in fiveforths.s:

    li t0, USART0_BASE_ADDRESS  # load USART0 base address
    lw t1, UART_RX_STATUS(t0)   # load value from status register
    andi t1, t1, UART_RX_BIT    # load read data buffer not empty bit 
    beqz t1, uart_get_loop      # loop until ready to receive
    lbu a0, UART_RX_DATA(t0)    # read character (zero-extended) from data register

    li t0, USART0_BASE_ADDRESS  # load USART0 base address
    lw t1, UART_TX_STATUS(t0)   # load value from status register
    andi t1, t1, UART_TX_BIT    # load transmit data buffer empty bit
    beqz t1, uart_put_loop      # loop until ready to send
    sb a0, UART_TX_DATA(t0)     # send character to data register

These are mostly identical to the derzforth implementation (polling). I also used this opportunity to remove the _test function from gd32vf103.s and instead I simply call uart_get and uart_put in fiveforths.s:

# Test the UART functionality
# 1. get a character, 2. send the character back
    call uart_get
    call uart_put
    j main

Now that get/put are working, let’s finish the KEY and EMIT primitives.

In the KEY primitive, we first want to read a character from the UART. It’ll be stored in the W (a0) register. Then we want to push it to the TOS (s3) top of stack register:

# key ( -- x )          Read 8-bit character from uart input
defcode "key", 0x0388878e, KEY, EXIT
    call uart_get       # read character from uart into W
    PUSH a0             # store character into TOS

In the EMIT primitive, we want to copy the character from TOS into the W register, and then send it over the UART:

# emit ( x -- )         Write 8-bit character to uart output
defcode "emit", 0x04964f74, EMIT, KEY
    POP a0              # copy TOS into W
    call uart_put       # send character from W to uart

Closing thoughts

I’m happy I noticed the strange macro bug, and even happier that I’ve finally completed all the keyword primitives loosely based on sectorforth.

Now pretty much the “only” thing remaining is the actual Forth interpreter loop and repl - compile/execute modes, skipping comments and parens, error handling… I guess I’ll start on those in the next session.