
32-bit RISC-V Forth for microcontrollers

Devlog 27 Lookup

December 30, 2022

  1. Log 27
  2. Lookup
  3. Execute or compile
  4. Closing thoughts

Log 27

In this session I’m focused on performing hashed word lookups over the dictionary (linked list).


Before performing a lookup, I forgot one important step after obtaining the token: moving TOIN. This is important because it helps the interpreter search for the next word when it loops. If we don’t move TOIN, we’ll keep searching from the start of the TIB (or in this case, from the same TOIN address). Let’s fix that:

    # move TOIN
    lw t0, 0(t3)            # load TOIN address value into temporary
    add t0, t0, a1          # add the size of the token to TOIN
    sw t0, 0(t3)            # move TOIN to process the next word in the TIB

Now in process_token, after hashing the word with the djb2_hash function, we’ll need to load the LATEST word into a register. The lookup function will start searching from there, and as it loops it’ll jump to the next word and so-on, until it finds it or reaches the end:

    li a1, LATEST           # load LATEST variable into temporary
    lw a1, 0(a1)            # load LATEST value into temporary
    call lookup             # lookup the hash in the dictionary

OK so let’s define lookup. It’s mostly inspired by the derzforth implementation. Here are the parameters:

# search for a hash in the dictionary
# arguments: a0 = hash of the word, a1 = address of the LATEST word
# returns: a0 = hash of the word, a1 = address of the word if found

The first parameter, a0 doesn’t get modified during the lookup, but we’ll return it intact in case we want to use it later. The a1 parameter contains the address of the LATEST word and will return with the address of the found word (if found). If the word isn’t found (i.e: if we reach the end of the dictionary) then it’s an error and we’ll reset everything:

    beqz a1, error              # error if the address is 0 (end of the dictionary)

The above works because our first primitive is linked to the word NULL which has the value 0, see here:

.equ word_NULL, 0

# @ ( addr -- x )       Fetch memory at addr
defcode "@", 0x0102b5e5, FETCH, NULL

Next, if we recall devlog 20, we need 3 CELLs for a word (link, hash, codeword). So if we want to get the hash of the word, we need to load it from offset +4:

    lw t0, 4(a1)                # load the hash of the word from the X working register

Afterwards, we want to skip the word if it’s HIDDEN. This is important for skipping the word we’re currently defining, as well as other words which should be skipped:

    # check if the word is hidden
    li t1, F_HIDDEN            # load the HIDDEN flag into temporary
    and t1, t0, t1             # read the hidden flag bit
    bnez t1, lookup_next       # skip the word if it's hidden

Here we load the HIDDEN flag mask into a temporary, and perform a logical AND which will help use determine if the word is hidden or not. If it’s hidden, we’ll skip it and load the previous word linked in the dictionary before looping back to the lookup function:

    lw a1, 0(a1)               # follow link to next word in dict
    j lookup

Notice we’re loading from offset 0 this time, which is the link (side note: offset +8 would be the codeword, which we’ll use later).

Assuming our word was not hidden, we’ll then remove the top 3 bits using the inverted 3-bit flags mask. This way we’ll only compare a word based on the remaining length + hash (5 + 24 bits):

    # remove the 3-bit flags using a mask
    li t1, ~FLAGS_MASK         # load the inverted 3-bit flags mask into temporary
    and t0, t0, t1             # ignore flags when comparing the hashes
    beq t0, a0, lookup_done    # done if the hashes match

And if the hashes match, then we can return from the function:


Otherwise, it’ll continue to lookup_next. That’s all for our lookup function!

Execute or compile

The final step is to decide if we want to execute the word, or compile it. The way sectorforth handles that is to load the IMMEDIATE flag from the word, and the STATE variable, and then perform a logical OR, then decrement that result by 1. If the final result is 0 then we compile, otherwise we execute. Here’s the truth table borrowed from sectorforth:

        ; IMMEDIATE     STATE         OR   ACTION
        ;   0000000   0000000   00000000   Interpret
        ;   0000000   0000001   00000001   Compile
        ;   1000000   0000000   10000000   Interpret
        ;   1000000   0000001   10000001   Interpret

So let’s return to our process_token function, right after we call lookup, we’ll check if the word has the IMMEDIATE flag set:

    # check if the word is immediate
    lw t0, 4(a1)            # load the hash of the found word into temporary
    li t1, F_IMMEDIATE      # load the IMMEDIATE flag into temporary
    and t0, t0, t1          # read the status of the immediate flag bit

Here we loaded the hash of the found word (again, at offset +4), and performed a logical AND with the IMMEDIATE flag mask.

Next we’ll load the STATE variable:

    # load the STATE variable value
    li t1, STATE            # load the address of the STATE variable into temporary
    lw t1, 0(t1)            # load the current state into a temporary

And finally we make our decision:

    # decide if we want to execute or compile the word
    or t0, t0, t1           # logical OR the immediate flag and state
    addi t0, t0, -1         # decrement the result by 1
    beqz t0, compile        # compile the word if the result is 0

Closing thoughts

I think the NEXT macro might be broken, since I haven’t reviewed it at all since it was first written in 2021. In the next session I’ll start with reviewing the NEXT macro, and then focus on compiling and executing code. I’ll also write a short test routine to test the lookup function.