
32-bit RISC-V Forth for microcontrollers

Devlog 3 Deeper Into The Rabbit Hole

November 17, 2022

Deeper into the rabbit hole

I spent a day reading some old Forth books and comparing my implementation with how things were presented. In retrospect, my early decisions weren’t as bad as I thought (except the 16-byte alignment). So I’ll account for that in today’s session.

Log 3

I started by making a small adjustment to the Makefile.

-               $(OBJDUMP) -D -S fiveforths.elf
+               $(OBJDUMP) -D -S fiveforths.elf > fiveforths.dump

I noticed the old make dump was quite useful but too verbose, so instead I’m dumping it to a fiveforths.dump which can be inspected at my own pace. The output shows the memory locations of each function, constant, etc. In the previous log I talked a lot about variables I defined, but those are actually hardcoded constants. I’ll try to use the correct terminology moving forward.

Some Forth functions

Last year I made a pull request to derzforth to replace the hashing function with djb2_hash. That algorithm is quite small and efficient, so I thought I would use it in my Forth implementation as well. It is used to uniquely identify (and find) a Forth dictionary word. It’s also used for user-defined words, but that can be quite slow: O(N), so I’m considering perhaps also creating an index (see the reserved space for hash indexes in fiveforths.s) which would index them by their length, thus significantly reducing the lookup time - assuming a somewhat even distribution of words across the index. The index would be a simple hash table where the key would be length+name, and the value would be the djb2_hash value. I haven’t implemented it, but when I do i’ll confirm if it’s a viable and efficient approach.

Other than the hash function, I’ve also defined some functions (labels) for _start, enter, and docol which will be used later.

I’m still missing some functions to handle the terminal input buffer, which will be needed to transfer files between my PC and the microcontroller (via UART).

Some Forth words - the primitives

The aim is to write an extremely minimal Forth in Assembly before incrementally adding features (new words) as needed. The basic set of primitives should be enough to bootstrap the system, where additional words can be defined in Forth.

Each word is defined using the defcode macro, and its hash was pre-computed using the djb2 hashing algorithm. Things prefixed with # OK comment above the code are confirmed working and tested. Everything else marked (# FIXME) has yet to be implemented.

It seems so far I’m only missing:

  • :
  • ;
  • >in
  • key
  • emit

Adjusting alignment

Macros are a real life saver. I modified the PUSH, POP, PUSHRSP, and POPRSP macros to align the pointer to 4 bytes (32-bits).

-    addi sp, sp, -16    # decrement DSP by 16 bytes (128-bit aligned)
+    addi sp, sp, -4     # decrement DSP by 4 bytes (32-bit aligned)

This should save some space on the stacks and allow for more data to be pushed. In this case I can probably decrease the stack sizes, since a 1KiB stack would leave space for 64 elements.. but with the new alignment we’re at 256 stack elements.. which is probably way more than needed.. OK let’s do that:

-.equ STACK_SIZE, 1024                   # 1 KiB
+.equ STACK_SIZE, 256                    # 256 Bytes

With this stack size we’ll be able to push up to 64 elements per stack. I really hope to never reach that many, but if I do then it’s a simple change anyways to increase the stack sizes.

Closing thoughts

There’s clearly a lot left to do here (I know it’s because I haven’t really done anything yet). But so far I think I’ve been refamiliarized with the code. In the next session I’ll jump to testing the code that’s written so far, using a debugger and/or simulator. I’ll also create a proper TODO list for the next steps so I can have a way to track my progress.