
32-bit RISC-V Forth for microcontrollers

Devlog 34 Compiling Words

January 06

  1. Log 34
  2. Printing strings
  3. Rebooting the MCU
  4. Compiling words
  5. Closing thoughts

Log 34

In this session I will work on compiling words, but before that I want to add 2 new features to my Forth: printing strings and rebooting the mcu.

Printing strings

The previous approach to printing strings over the UART was to repeat the same 2 lines of code for every character. To print ` ok\n` we would write this:

    li a0, CHAR_SPACE
    call uart_put
    li a0, 'o'
    call uart_put
    li a0, 'k'
    call uart_put
    li a0, CHAR_NEWLINE
    call uart_put

This works fine for short strings, but it’s quite bothersome and ugly for longer strings.

Here’s my short implementation of a UART “print” function:

    mv s3, ra                   # save the return address
    beq a1, a2, uart_print_done # done if we've printed all characters
    lbu a0, 0(a1)               # load 1 character from the message string
    call uart_put
    addi a1, a1, 1              # increment the address by 1
    j uart_print_loop           # loop to print the next message
    mv ra, s3                   # restore the return address

It accepts 2 arguments:

  • a1 which contains the memory address of the start of a string (I’ll show an example later).
  • a2 which contains the address of the string + its length.

The uart_print starts by saving the ra register and ends by restoring it. We do this because the call uart_put would otherwise clobber ra and it would be unable to return after printing.

The uart_print_loop simply loops over each character in the string, printing a character at each iteration. It increments the string’s address (a1) until it’s the same as a2.

Here’s how we would use it instead of the above ok function:

    la a1, msg_ok       # load string message
    addi a2, a1, 6      # load string length
    call uart_print     # call uart print function

And we could define the msg_ok string like this:

msg_ok: .ascii "   ok\n"

Note the .ascii string is NOT null terminated, and it must be aligned to 2 bytes. In other words a 3 or 5 byte string would not work.

Let’s do something similar to error:

    la a1, msg_error    # load string message
    addi a2, a1, 4      # load string length
    call uart_print     # call uart print function

And define the msg_error like this:

msg_error: .ascii "  ?\n"

Rebooting the MCU

I often find myself wanting to test a clean slate of the Forth, without physically resetting the device (which requires restarting openocd and gdb). So I decided to add a new primitive called reboot, which jumps directly to the _start initialization procedure:

# reboot ( -- )         # Reboot the entire system and initialize memory
defcode "reboot", 0x06266b70, REBOOT, NULL
    j reboot            # jump to reboot

I then had to modify FETCH to link to REBOOT instead of NULL:

-defcode "@", 0x0102b5e5, FETCH, NULL
+defcode "@", 0x0102b5e5, FETCH, REBOOT

Now let’s define the reboot function:

    la a1, msg_reboot   # load string message
    addi a2, a1, 12     # load string length
    call uart_print     # call uart print function
    j _start            # reboot when print returns

It’s pretty much the same as ok and error, with a different string message and different jump to address. Here’s the message:

msg_reboot: .ascii "  rebooting\n"

So now typing reboot<Enter> in the terminal will display the string rebooting and everything will be reset as if we first booted the device. Of course I realize this might be problematic once interrupts are enabled, but I think by then I’ll be able to remove this primitive and functionality.

Compiling words

Now the final missing element of this Forth, compiling words!!

The first change is to fix some minor issues in our macros. In 3 macros we’re decrementing the sp stack pointer by 1 CELL before performing an operation, which is fine except when that operation involves the sp pointer. Let’s change the PUSH macro first, and I’ll explain the difference afterwards:

 .macro PUSH reg
+    sw \reg, -CELL(sp)  # store the value in the register to the top of the DSP
     addi sp, sp, -CELL  # move the DSP down by 1 cell
-    sw \reg, 0(sp)      # store the value in the register to the top of the DSP

Here we moved the sw instruction so it’s performed first, before decrementing the pointer. But we’re also storing it at the -4 offset. This was necessary for something like PUSH sp to work, where we want to push the current sp address not the next address (sp - 4).

We’ll make a similar change to PUSHRSP:

 .macro PUSHRSP reg
+    sw \reg, -CELL(s2)  # store value from register into RSP
     addi s2, s2, -CELL  # decrement RSP by 1 cell
-    sw \reg, 0(s2)      # store value from register into RSP

And finally we’ll also modify PUSHVAR to load the register and then store it in sp - 4 before moving the sp pointer down by 1 CELL.

 .macro PUSHVAR var
-    addi sp, sp, -CELL  # move the DSP down by 1 cell
     li t0, \var         # load variable into temporary
-    sw t0, 0(sp)        # store the variable value to the top of the DSP
+    sw t0, -CELL(sp)    # store the variable value to the top of the DSP
+    addi sp, sp, -CELL  # move the DSP down by 1 cell

In the COLON primitive (inner interpreter), we need to do the exact same thing as in process_token (outer interpreter) before and after calling token, so let’s replace the existing code:

 defcode ":", 0x0102b5df, COLON, LATEST
-    li a0, TIB          # load TIB into W
-    li t3, TOIN         # load the TOIN variable into unused temporary register
-    lw a1, 0(t3)        # load TOIN address value into X working register
+    li t3, TOIN         # load TOIN variable into unused temporary register
+    lw a0, 0(t3)        # load TOIN address value into temporary
     call token          # read the token

+    # move TOIN
+    add t0, a0, a1      # add the size of the token to TOIN
+    sw t0, 0(t3)        # move TOIN to process the next word in the TIB
     # bounds checks on token size
-    beqz a1, error      # error if token size is 0
+    beqz a1, ok         # ok if token size is 0
     li t0, 32           # load max token size  (2^5 = 32) in temporary
     bgtu a1, t0, error  # error if token size is greater than 32

-    # store the word then hash it
-    sw a0, 0(t3)        # store new address into TOIN variable
     call djb2_hash      # hash the token

Now COLON’s first few lines are identical to process_token.

We’ll also need to fix a bug I discovered when storing the code_EXIT address at the end of a word:

-    sw t1, 0(t0)        # store the codeword address into HERE
+    sw t1, 0(t2)        # store the codeword address into HERE

The actual HERE address was stored in t2 but I accidentally used t0 which means EXIT would not be written to the correct memory location.

Now let’s look at our compile function, called from the process_token (outer interpreter). The first step is to find the codeword address, which is 2 CELLs down:

    addi t0, a1, 2*CELL     # increment the address of the found word by 8 to get the codeword address

Then we’ll load HERE into a temporary, and store the codeword in there:

    li t1, HERE             # load HERE variable into temporary
    lw t2, 0(t1)            # load HERE value into temporary
    sw t0, 0(t2)            # write the address of the codeword to the current definition

Afterwards we can increment HERE by 1 CELL and store its value back, before jumping back to process the next token:

    addi t0, t2, CELL       # increment HERE by 4
    sw t0, 0(t1)            # store new HERE address
    j process_token

That’s it!

At least.. I think that’s it. Let’s try to compile a word in the terminal:

: dup sp@ @ ;<Enter>  ok

So far so good, maybe? Let’s check the user dictionary with GDB. This should store 6 values in memory starting from 0x20000000, three values for dup (link, hash, codeword), one address for sp@ (DSPFETCH), one address for @ (FETCH) and one address for exit (code_EXIT):

(gdb) x/6xw 0x20000000
0x20000000:	0x08000650	0x03886bce	0x080003f4	0x080005b0
0x20000010:	0x08000598	0x080005ec

Now let’s look at each value:

(gdb) x/xw 0x08000650
0x8000650 <word_SEMI>:	0x08000644

That’s our link to the previous word. Then 0x03886bce is the hash of the word dup.

(gdb) x/xw 0x080003f4
0x80003f4 <.addr>:	0x080003e4
(gdb) x/xw 0x080003e4
0x80003e4 <docol>:	0xfe992e23

Next we have the address of .addr which points to docol. This is where I’m still a bit confused, and it might be totally wrong.

Next let’s examine the remaining 3 values:

(gdb) x/xw 0x080005b0
0x80005b0 <code_DSPFETCH>:	0x08000284
(gdb) x/xw 0x08000598
0x8000598 <code_FETCH>:	0x08000264
(gdb) x/xw 0x080005ec
0x80005ec <code_EXIT>:	0x080002d4

All that looks pretty good to me. Let’s store a value in the stack, and then use dup to duplicate it on the stack (which is what sp@ @ does):

456 dup<Enter>


Well… I guess that doesn’t work. The word was definitely compiled and stored in memory, but there’s clearly something wrong in there. I have a feeling this might be related to the compiled .addr -> docol address, but I’m not sure.

Closing thoughts

In the next session I’ll manually step through the execution of my newly defined dup word, and see if I can find the problem. Hopefully I’ll be able to fix this in the next session, and then I’ll have a fully functional Forth. Yay!