
32-bit RISC-V Forth for microcontrollers

Devlog 36 From Dtc To Itc

January 07

  1. Log 36
  2. From DTC to ITC
  3. Cleaning up lookup
  4. Closing thoughts

Log 36

In this session I fix a few bugs which made me switch threading mode.

From DTC to ITC

In devlog 29 I mentioned my goal of implementing this Forth as a Direct Threaded Code (DTC) Forth, but I ended up banging my head on the wall trying to actually make it work correctly.

It works but it doesn’t work. The main issue was with executing compiled words which included other compiled words. The address loaded in the W register was the address of the word, not the address pointed to by the word (docol). There is likely a way to fix it, but I got annoyed with the idea that compiled words need to be executed differently from primitive words.

For that reason, I decided to model my Forth on the classic Indirect Threaded Code (ITC) approach found in many implementations such as jonesforth and derzforth.

To make these changes, we first need to modify the NEXT macro to add another level of indirection:

-    jr a0               # jump to the address in W
+    lw t0, 0(a0)        # load address from W into temporary
+    jr t0               # jump to the address in temporary

Next, I added another level of indirection for jumping to docol:

-    la a2, docol        # load the codeword address into Y working register
+    la a2, .addr        # load the codeword address into Y working register

And the .addr is defined here as a jump to docol:

+    j docol             # indirect jump to interpreter after executing a word

Finally, when executing a word, we want a double-indirection to the outer interpreter similar to NEXT:

-.loop: .word process_token  # indirect jump to interpreter after executing a word
+.loop: .word .dloop         # double indirect jump to interpreter
+.dloop: .word process_token # indirect jump to interpreter after executing a word

One more change I made was to the defcode macro. I wanted to have specific global labels for each part (link, hash, code), and a global label for the body which is where the Assembly code is located. This makes everything much more clear when debugging and it’s easier to trace. Here’s the full macro after modifications:

.macro defcode name, hash, label, link
    .section .rodata
    .balign CELL        # align to CELL bytes boundary
    .globl word_\label
  word_\label :
    .4byte word_\link   # 32-bit pointer to codeword of link
    .globl hash_\label
  hash_\label :
    .4byte \hash        # 32-bit hash of this word
    .globl code_\label
  code_\label :
    .4byte body_\label  # 32-bit pointer to codeword of label
    .globl body_\label
  body_\label :         # assembly code below

Now we can test some Forth code in the terminal. First we’ll define dup, then we’ll define invert, then we’ll call invert on the stack value -66, and emit that to the terminal. It should print an A which is 0x00000041 or decimal 65 (nand of -66 and -66):

: dup sp@ @ ;<Enter>   ok
: invert dup nand ;<Enter>   ok
-66 invert<Enter>   ok
emit<Enter> A   ok


Cleaning up lookup

The lookup function was not cleaning up after itself when an error was found. This was not an issue when executing words, only when compiling because it would essentially leave a word half-compiled in memory.

I think the first change is to make a copy of LATEST once we enter the function. This is the value we want to restore if there’s an error, but we only want to do it once:

-    beqz a1, error              # error if the address is 0 (end of the dictionary)
+    mv t2, a1                   # copy the address of LATEST

Next, we want to move our guard to the loop part, which will happen on every word that’s looked up:

+    beqz a1, lookup_error       # error if the address is 0 (end of the dictionary)

In lookup_next, we want to jump to the loop instead, so let’s change that:

-    j lookup
+    j lookup_loop

Then we can begin to define our custom lookup error handler:

    # check the STATE
    li t0, STATE                # load the address of the STATE variable into temporary
    lw t0, 0(t0)                # load the current state into a temporary
    beqz t0, error              # if in execute mode (STATE = 0), jump to error handler to reset

First want want to check the STATE of the interpreter. If we’re in execute mode then it’s safe to jump to the error function which will handle resetting things (without touching HERE or LATEST).

Otherwise, if we’re in compile mode, we want to store our previously saved LATEST value into HERE. This rolls back the memory address of HERE as if we didn’t even define a word:

    # update HERE since we're in compile mode
    li t0, HERE                 # load HERE variable into temporary
    sw t2, 0(t0)                # store the address of LATEST back into HERE

Next, we want to update LATEST so it points back to the previous word that was defined before the current one. That address is actually still there in memory, at the location pointed to by HERE (the t2 register from earlier):

    # update LATEST since we're in compile mode
    li t0, LATEST               # load LATEST variable into temporary
    lw t1, 0(t2)                # load LATEST variable value into temporary
    sw t1, 0(t0)                # store LATEST word into LATEST variable

Once that’s done, we can jump to the error function to handle resetting other things:

    j error                     # jump to error handler

Closing thoughts

Alright, now everything actually works!! (I hope)

Now there’s only one small bug remaining, which is related to hitting backspace in the terminal. It’s probably a small issue, but I’ll get to that eventually. In the next session, I’ll publish the README, and work on the documentation, examples, optimizations, and code cleanup.